Information Technology, Privacy, New Media, and Advertising

The Information Technology, Privacy, New Media, and Advertising Practice Area provides advice to brand design, advertising, software, manufacturing, and technology companies as well as public sector clients on all aspects of technology law, including strategies for protecting and minimizing infringement of technology and regarding unsettled issues of the technology world.

The Wood + Lamping attorneys in this practice area are skilled and experienced in navigating the complex landscape in this ever-changing field. Our clients include software vendors, consultants, brand design agencies, telecommunications service providers, application service providers, and website developers.


  • Provided advice on compliance with federal and state laws related to copyright, trademark, privacy, spam, domain names, email, blogs, social media, and other legal issues on the internet such as aggregation, work-made-for-hire, linking, framing, and defamation.
  • Helped clients identify and obtain quality development and implementation services through development, licensing, acquisition, and financing.

  • Assisted clients in combating internet defamation related to false statements and reviews about their businesses made online on third-party websites, blog posts, and social media.

  • Counseled clients on developing social media and digital technology policies for employees and protecting customer and company confidential information in the digital age.

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