
All information on this website is property of Wood & Lamping ©2022.

All material on this website, including text, images, markup, CSS, programming, title tag content, meta element tag content, and design is ©2022 to Wood & Lamping and may not be reproduced elsewhere in any way without explicit written permission.

Design, images, and artwork cannot be reproduced
under any circumstances.

This website design and unique combination of images, colors, sizes, typography, positioning, CSS, HTML and other markup and web development is copyrighted and cannot be reproduced or used anywhere else, whether in part or in whole. No exceptions.

Website design and development.

This web design, all associated website development, search engine optimization, creative development, and other marketing elements were developed by the Big Idea Group, LLC., a Cincinnati, Ohio branding, marketing, strategic development, and investment company. Any inquiries about the design of this website should be directed to:


Cincinnati Office
600 Vine Street, Suite 2500
Cincinnati, OH 45202
(513) 852-6000

Southeast Indiana Office
70 East High Street
Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
(812) 537-2375

Get in touch - we're here to help, in business and in life.